Tuesday, August 7, 2012

ear fungus/bacteria? ear and brain pain for long periods of time?

fungi/bacteria that enters the ear that causes pain in ear and sometimes brain for long periods of time (months to years)

ear and brain pain, shooting pain in to brain from ear. loss of personality/sole.

in this order
clean bedding*
Shower well
disinfect ear with anti fungal / antibiotic(precipitation)

avoid cleaning ear wax too often as it create natural defense.

Being re-infected often?
 treatment should be done after 24 hours as body may fight it off naturally.

 without showering and cleaning bedding anti-fungal liquid is not as effective and the infection comes back.

treatment 2 in this order
  • new bedding*
  • vacuum (optional)
  • use antibiotic/antifungal. like gramicidin-neomycin-nystatin combination. they normally come with anesthetic but it is the gramicidin-neomycin-nystatin that fixs the problem. 
  • I have used other things to clear infection, vinegar, can help (not every day but ever couple+ days). Garlic (also not good every day) but works. in both ears for 1 hour (optional). Canesten liquid BAD, too strong, told myself I will never put that in my ears again. Maybe low Canesten to water solution or cream may be ok but I am never going to use it again, due to having problems with full strength liquid.  
  • Shower well
  1. wash around and inside ear with hand with soap or shampoo  (anti-dandruff shampoo is anti-fungal and may help..). Or not to get water in ear use hand disinfectant around ear, or use antibiotic/antifungal, just outside of ear should be clean as well if possible. 
  2. Water in ears is generally not a good idea, sometime ear gets filled with junk, if you have junk and ear problem this can feel very nice to fill ear syringe  with diluted shampoo and washout inside ear, then fill ear syringe with water for rinse. ears should not remain wet for long period (that is not good, do not do this if ear remain wet). 
  3. fill ear with antibiotic/antifungal liquid solution suitable for ears. (or maybe cotton buds for vinegar)
  • disinfect chair/upholstery keyboard with oust disinfectant spray
  • Repeat putting antibiotic/antifungal (options) liquid in ears over next few days if needed (recommended) 
 without showering, cleaning bedding, and washing inside ear anti-fungal liquid is not as effective and the infection comes back.

clean cloths, if bed has been slept in after symptoms also clean bedding
antibiotic/antifungal liquid solution suitable for ears

test what this is ? isolate organism(s)  what's it's name(s).  do people with these symptoms have it.  who else has it.  where does it come from.  how common is it.  could it be a human skin disease spread to others, maybe lives in the soil, or human filth, or spread by animal.  most people seem  immune,  and some may not know or acknowledge.  type 1 some to severe pain. type 2 slight to no pain, maybe lowered brain function.  passably type 3 contaminated but immune, passably breading in unhygienic environment.

noticed after seeing certain individuals of low hygiene or same symptoms
pet contaminated area
some supermarkets.
some public locations

I have been suffering from reoccurrence of severe headaches from ear infections for 12 year, I created a business at home so i could test reoccurrence more accurately and found it was outside occurrence. It created long term head pain   Originally I found garlic in my ears fixed the problem but I could only  administer it once a week due to damage if to frequent, turns out other people had the same idea, also ear numbing/anticongestant with some kind of selling agent help because of the selling agent. Once I found out that anti-fungal ear drop fix the problem I did not want to go to the doctors often for the prescription and eventually found cure above.


  1. Understand what you say, had same problem, cauesed by underactive thyroid weakening immune system, hence the ear problem kept coming back. Need to address thyroid issue to stop it.

  2. Thanks for the detailed information....You lost your shoes? (sole) (haha).

  3. This is common and is usually well treated with ear drops. Avoid putting cotton swabs in the ears and do not wait too long to seek treatment. Click Here
