Saturday, March 23, 2013

Control Your Thoughts continued.... [motivation for work]

continued from

let your thoughts be free if they are good but if not, control your thoughts/mind, think right(clearly) to function in the current situation, this can easily break mental stress (or mental sickness) in order to function normally in high stress environment or to be better around others. 
but on top of that  quieten your mind  and  control your mind   because you should enjoy your life.  with focus that you should think well, because its the major part of  enjoying your life  and think thus function as you should.
seems creates more freer flowing thought ability which enable better and longer work
when I feel like I would want to take a drug for work motivation, this seems about as good.

To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
William Blake - 1780~ 

triggers to clear my mind;  the option i use when quietening or controlling my thoughts is not apparent. some are 
it's a flat plain of earth traveled in a day, surrounded by infinity, power ability to go anywhere and do anything you want, chemistry science and evolution, and the understanding of being
mortality, to be free because it ends no matter what.  Jane Doe is dead and she's not coming back, she will never be here again. 

do not look all strangers in the face, move more freely and feel better without any concern for strangers you have nothing to do with and should not effect the way you feel. feel good in your self and don't care about anything else. bad egos or messed up people should not effect your life. if stress or random internal thoughts do not show to strangers,  look controlled even if your not,  because its not real to them nor to you, you will feel better with the understanding that you look controlled, and it will pass eventually anyway, who are they to let your own emotions worry you, they are strangers so you don't let them.    
helps to control a higher feeling of self awareness and control of yourself as you are the only person you are, .....

some people buy positive affirmation books or posters but i remember my own. 

taking yourself away from yourself when your nevus... it's easy to block, because your always better off without it.

being happy is the best medicine, especially when your not.  and your always better off with it. content or happy within. don't be crazy, like smiling for no reason is crazy.